Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Employee selection of Omantel Company †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Employee selection of Omantel Company. Answer: Introduction The research subject is to analyze the method of employee selection in the context of Omantel Company. In the existing business scenario, it is obligatory for an organization to gain their understanding about the selection of employees. It can be effective to improve the profitability of an organization. For this, it is effective for a company to improve the skills of the human resource manager and increase the understanding towards the employee selection method. However, it can be significant to improve the financial condition of an organization. In addition, it can also be appropriate for gaining the competitive benefit in future. The employees selection method is imperative for increasing the productivity of corporate systematically. A corporation can use the effective selection method can help the researcher to select appropriate people at the right place. Furthermore, it can also be said that most of the organization has used employee selection methods to accurately operate the firm and obtain higher profitability in less time and cost. In addition, it is also stated that the implementation of employee selection method can be vital to enhancing the current condition of corporate. As a result, the company can be able to control on the unexpected occurrence in the business (Roth, et al., 2016). Research justification The employee selection method is significant to enhance the current financial condition of the company. In addition, the ways of employee selection method can be imperative to gain the production and values of organizations by hiring the appropriate people in less time and cost. Further, the Oman organization faced many issues in the context of hiring appropriate people at the right place due to enhancing the organization performance. This research can also help to gain understanding towards the different factors that can affect the employee selection method. Through this research, a corporation will capable to address the ways of employee selection method and also address the strategies that can be effective to improve the employee selection method systematically. At the same time, this research proposal can support to improve the knowledge of researcher towards the employee selection method. This research is effective for researchers if they want to make their career in the human r esource management. This research proposal can be supportive for existing and new business because of gaining understanding towards the importance, role, and output of the effective employee selection method practices. Consequently, it will aid the organization for effective use of employee selection method. In addition, this research plan can be imperative to make adequate policy with respect to employee selection method (Miles, et al., 2014). Research aim and objectives The main aim of this research is to analyze the methods of employee selection in the context of Omantel Company. To analyze the meaning and concept of employee selection method in context of Omantel Company To analyze the type of employee selection method in Omantel Company To explore the factors that affect the employee selection method To identify the strategies to improve the employee selection method Research question What is the meaning and concept of employee selection method? How many types of employee selection method? What are factors that affect the employee selection method? What are the strategies to improve the employee selection method? Literature review To analyze the meaning and concept of employee selection method in context of Omantel Company According to the Alshamlan et al., (2015) the procedure of interviewing and analyzing applicants for a particular job and hiring an individual for operating the business systematically. The ways of employees selection can be very complicated or easy that can be based on the norms of the organization. It is also stated that anti-discrimination laws can be used by the organization during the selection of employees. The employee selection is a way by which an organization can select a right person at the right place. It can be a process of matching the needs of the organization with the education and qualification of the individual. To analyze the type of employee selection method in Omantel Company Gupta et al., (2014) stated that the human resource selection method can rely on the staff and resources of the firm. There are different methods that are used by the organization to hire the employees such as phone interviews, preliminary screening, and face-to-face meetings. It is effective to identify whether the applicant is appropriate for the job. In the small organization, these methods are implied to select the candidates at the right place. Further, it can be effective in the situation of imitated staff resources. It is also examined that the employee selection method enabled the organization to make an effective decision, retain the employees and decline the level of employee turnover systematically. To explore the factors that affects the employee selection method I support to this, Abernethy, et al., (2015) examined that a large number of the organization is depending on the specialist of human resource management section to make an effective selection decision as per the organization norms. It is also addressed that the selection of appropriate applicants to fill the job placement in the organization can be confronting, but at the same time some factors may affect the selection method of employees. A business owner and their staff member should comprehend the values of factors that may directly impact on the employee selection method. It can be effective to attain the specified goal of the organization in the context of employee selection. It is also stated that lack of relevant experience, qualification, salary requirements, and transfer can impact on the ways of employee selection. To identify the strategies to improve the employee selection method Nolan et al., (2014) argued that general mental ability, structured interviews, and situational judgment tests methods are effective to improve the employee selection method systematically. An organization should use the GMA method to enable the candidates for online computer adaptive test and paper pencil test. It is also analyzed that both tests are appropriate for the organization due to enhancing the method of employee selection. In support to this, Cook (2016) examined that the structured interview method is also imperative for improving the employee selection method. Under this, an organization should use structure base interview wherein organization previously determine the questions that will be asked to the candidates at the time of hiring an employee. Through this method, an organization can include 2-4 experienced managers for asking the question to the applicants and react on the particular. It can also be effective to gain the reliability of employee selection method. As a result, the company can get a feasible result in less time and cost due to the selection of right person at the right place. Govindan et al., (2015) the situation judgment can also be used by the organization to improve the employee selection method. Under this, the organization has used the multiple-choice equivalent for performing the structured interviews. The candidates are able to react on some specified topics related to the target job. It is also illustrated that this method can enable the organization to deeply understand the opinion and thinking of candidates towards any particular subject. It will also allow of the organization to comprehend how the candidate reacts to the particular situation. As a result, an organization can improve their employee section method and productivity (Brinkmann, 2014). Variables The researcher has determined some different independent variables that can direct impact on the employee selection method in an organization (Taylor, et al., 2015). The following table shows the independent variables of employee selection method: Dependent Variable Independent Variables Employee selection method Relevant experience Education Salary requirement Transfer Skills Research Methodology The research methodology can be effective to identify the tools and techniques that will be required to complete the research aim and objectives systematically (Mackey, et al., 2015). The following methods are considered in the research methodology: Research Strategy For this research, the researcher will use literature review and survey through a questionnaire to attain the research objectives. It will also permit the researcher to pool the adequate information towards the ways of employee selection method. The literature review method will enable the researcher to collect theoretical data towards the research issue while the survey through questionnaire support to collect the opinion and views towards the research aim (Krylovas, et al., 2014). Research design The researcher will imply both data collection method like qualitative and quantitative method due to getting the adequate result in less time and cost. In addition, a research will use the qualitative research design to build the conceptual understanding towards the research matter. Beside this, quantitative research design is implied to show the numeric data through statistical methods (Nikolaou, 2014). Data Collection Method For this research, the researcher will use both data collection method such as primary and secondary data collection method. A researcher will use the primary data collection method to collect the fresh data in the context of the research matter (Guerrero, et al., 2015). There are different kinds of methods such as observation, survey through a questionnaire, and interview to collect the data. Besides this, the secondary data collection method is also used by the researcher to collect the information from existing sources such as journals, government publication, offline sources, and books (Li, et al., 2014). Sampling Procedure In this research, the researcher will use the probability sampling method due to mitigating the biases from the research. It offers an equal chance to the participant for contributing to the research (Vahdani, et al., 2014). From this research, the researcher will choose 50 employees from the Ooredoo Oman, Nawras, and Omantel to conduct the research and pool adequate data. Data analysis method The data analysis method will also imply by the researcher to evaluate the collected data and get a feasible outcome. The researcher will execute the statistical data analysis method for evaluating the collected data of this research. A researcher will also practice the MS-excel by involving different tools like a pie chart, bar diagram, and column diagram (Stephenson, et al., 2014). Research Limitation The research limitation can direct impact on the reliability of research result. There are different types of factors that are considered in the research limitation like cost, time, and resources. In addition, the specified time can bound the researcher to collect the data about the research dilemma. Moreover, it is also analyzed that the primary data collection method can take more time and cost that will restraint the researcher to get the adequate result in the context of the employee selection method (Gatewood, et al., 2015). Ethical approval In this research, the researcher will use the data safety and security act 1988 to secure the data of participants and make a robust relationship with them. A researcher will also concentrate on some factors such as university regulation, data manipulation, and reference. It will support to avoid the ethical issues from the research (Ababneh, et al., 2014). Timeline The following table shows research plan: Table 1: Research schedule for completing project Research actions Time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Research dilemma selection Development of research aim and objectives Data collection method Questionnaire development Sampling techniques Data evaluation Report writing Final submission From the above table, it is analyzed that the data collection methods take more time than the other research activities. Budget For this research, the researcher will estimate $2400 to attain the research objectives systematically (Rana, et al., 2014). Purpose Estimated amount ($) Literature Review (LR) 800 Data Collection Method 800 Data Analysis 800 Total financial plan Expectation 2400 References Ababneh, K. I., Hackett, R. D., and Schat, A. C. 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